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Octagon Theatre

Large Paragraph

The site slopes quite steeply from east to west and has been used by the theatre to build its amphitheater typology into the existing levels.

Vita Cardiff Opens!
Image and Text

Image and Text

LT Studio are working with FCB Studios on the exciting redevelopment of the Octagon Theatre situated in mature parkland in Yeovil. The aim of the project is to provide much-needed space so that the theatre is able to offer a more diverse and varied range of programmes to reach a wider audience.

This is an example of an ‘Responsive image’ setting. The image will match the height of the text, but might be cropped.

Vita Cardiff Opens!
Image and Text

Image and Text

LT Studio are working with FCB Studios on the exciting redevelopment of the Octagon Theatre situated in mature parkland in Yeovil. The aim of the project is to provide much-needed space so that the theatre is able to offer a more diverse and varied range of programmes to reach a wider audience. The building aims to create a new destination and meeting place as well as provide an external performance area that can be utilised for future outdoor theatre events and community gatherings.

This is an example of an ‘aspect ratio fixed’ setting.

Vita Cardiff Opens!
The event is propagating when you click on the child element, triggering the click handler on the parent element (effectively undoing what the click handler on the child element has just done).

Name, Title, Company

Accordion Row

Really good for compacting information

Octagon Theatre

LT Studio are working with FCB Studios on the exciting redevelopment of the Octagon Theatre situated in mature parkland in Yeovil. The aim of the project is to provide much-needed space so that the theatre is able to offer a more diverse and varied range of programmes to reach a wider audience. The building aims to create a new destination and meeting place as well as provide an external performance area that can be utilised for future outdoor theatre events and community gatherings.

Windmill Place

LT Studio is delighted to have collaborated on the residential development, Windmill Place, for Brick x Brick in association with Pitman Tozer Architects.

The proposals will enhance the local area, providing much needed additional housing. The building responds to both the wider context, and immediate surroundings in both scale and materiality. The principle of the design is to retain as much existing soft landscape and trees as possible. The five residential blocks are set within a perimeter zone of existing landscape.


Here are some people we’ve worked with

  • the-cleveland-museum-of-art-OgjZyR85ZLk-unsplash
  • the-cleveland-museum-of-art-1c21Tk73SN0-unsplash
  • ricardo-gomez-angel-GlSEGodVnl4-unsplash
  • mak-6uHojl61ee4-unsplash

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Headings should be used in order: A ‘Heading 3’ should always be preceded by a ‘Heading 2’ in the hierarchy of a page.

Heading 3

They should be nested, like Russian dolls.

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Heading 6

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Button Alt

  • This is a list
  • diam nonumy eirmod tempor
  • invidunt ut labore
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam era.

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This is a ‘Masonary’ gallery

Most recently we have been working on designs for a commercial development in Central London, the public realm for the waterfront at Watchet East Quay and the external spaces for Lancaster University Management School.

We are also able to provide planning submission support in the form of Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments (LVIA) and attendance at pre-planning/application meetings and also feasibility reports.

Our approach

Our projects are run with a director-led approach. We are passionate about designing high quality sustainable landscapes which deliver positive aesthetic change to the built environment. We create new sustainable landscapes and ecologies that complement the built form.

We lead with research and consultation, understanding the space and its uses. Throughout the design process we  encourage close client and stakeholder communication – key to the success of the project.

This is a ‘Scrolling’ gallery

Southwark Council said of our design for Borough High Street:

‘The proposed development retains and realigns the existing historic courtyards to include … landscape which enhances these areas as a new public space. The detailed plans are of design merit…’

The leader of West Dorset District Council, said of our design for Bridport Cohousing: “This is an exciting project … it will be an amazing place to live … it will be a leading national example of cohousing.’